
Friday, January 28, 2011

Best Class Ever.

Thursday was the first day of the Spring semester! Its about time!

Audra and I spent the whole winter hibernating in the apartment because we didn't want to spend the money to get a CTA pass. At times I was tempted to bear the booger-freezing temperatures and walk downtown but, well my cabin fever never got that bad.

I don't have class Thursday mornings so I spent the time taking care of some work study paperwork. In the afternoon I took home some more of my work from the last semester. I emptied out two lockers. I promise I'll get the rest over the weekend. At six o' clock started my favorite part of Thursday:

Art History 3527 : Comic Book 2 - Silver Age to the Graphic Novel
That's right. Comic books for college credit!

Here I'm going to upload the syllabus for the class. Check back later.

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