
Friday, January 28, 2011

I Roman Polanski

My other art history class is on the film genre of psychological horror. The first class is this Tuesday but the first film we'll be studying played at the Gene Siskel Film Center tonight so I took Audra out to see it.

It's a great flick! I hate spoilers so if you want to see it, don't get turned off by the somewhat slow start. The tension of the film is slowly building up to the meat of the story.

I will say that if you haven't ever seen a Polanski film you may want to work up to this one. Chinatown is a classic. Rosemary's Baby would be a good film to see. If you can't live without color you may want to buy a coloring book instead start with The Pianist.

If you're still interested in this guy I highly recommend watching Knife in the Water. This is one of my favorite movies of all time. It's in Polish so you'll be reading subtitles. Unless you are Polish. In which case you'll probably break the DVD trying to change a lightbulb or something.

Figure In Ceramics

(Above is some kitsch soon to be replaced with the work I did today.)

Spring 2011, Day 2

Today was my first day in Patricia Reger's figure sculpting class. I'm really excited about this class. First, its figure sculpting, in ceramics, for college credit. Second, the instructor is one of the best in the department. Not only is she intelligent and knowledgeable but she also makes a great effort to be involved with her students' progression, both conceptually and technically (which is somewhat rare for this school).

Today she had a one-on-one discussion with me and we talked about my influences, my previous work, my artistic goals, and my technical experience. She also asked me if I've been running into any technical problems with my work method and then provided solutions! She had a slideshow that featured a relevant artist who I hadn't heard of before and she said she would look for more artists that could inform my work. Just for me!

But I'm not special. She did this for every student in the class!

This woman works hard!

Best Class Ever.

Thursday was the first day of the Spring semester! Its about time!

Audra and I spent the whole winter hibernating in the apartment because we didn't want to spend the money to get a CTA pass. At times I was tempted to bear the booger-freezing temperatures and walk downtown but, well my cabin fever never got that bad.

I don't have class Thursday mornings so I spent the time taking care of some work study paperwork. In the afternoon I took home some more of my work from the last semester. I emptied out two lockers. I promise I'll get the rest over the weekend. At six o' clock started my favorite part of Thursday:

Art History 3527 : Comic Book 2 - Silver Age to the Graphic Novel
That's right. Comic books for college credit!